Monday, March 9, 2009

The Mystery, Day One

Well, if you are reading this blog then you are taking the next step to be intentional about your spiritual growth...way to go! The way this will work will be for me to blog daily with scripture reading, thought provoking questions and an encouragement for you to pray through this experience with a journal. Enjoy your time with God today.

Read Colossians 1:3-6, three to four times.

1. Paul begins this letter acknowledging what is going on...people have come to Christ and spiritual fruit is evident. Think back to when you made your decision to follow Christ and write out what that experience was like.

2. As you have examined your conversion experience, how does it make you feel to know that the truth of salvation and Christ are in YOU?

3. Turn your bible to Galatians 5:22-26 and read three times. Galatians is three books back.

4. Based on the fruit of the Spirit, what fruits are evident in your life?

5. What fruits are not?

Spend the remainder of your time today praying through the following things.

1. Thank God for salvation and for restoring you back to a right relationship with him.
2. Thank God for the fruits that are evident in your life, because they are evident because of His work, not your own.
3. Pray that God will continue to work in you and help you with the fruits that aren't evident yet in your life.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Grace and Peace...

1 comment:

Tiffani Scheel said...

Okay, so I am a few days late in starting, but thanks so much for this blog and study time. You are an awesome leader!!!!
